HQ Uttarakhand Sub Area  Fraternity .Sale of Liquor at Sub Area CSD  will start wef 18 May 2020. जानिए कैसे शराब का टोकन लेगे उत्तराखंड सब एरिया कैंटीन से

*HQ Uttarakhand Sub Area  Fraternity* 

1. *Sale of Liquor at Sub Area CSD*  will start wef 18 May 2020.

2. Veterans  are requested to fwd whatsapp msg only one day prior on Mobile No  *9412080825*   to take Token No for vis the CSD to purchase liquor. Msg  for Liquor Tokens on any other Mobile No will not be accepted. The msg should give Age, Rk, Name,  and Cat (Exsm, Veer Nari or Dependent of Serving Pers). Approx 600 tokens will be allotted per day.

3. Msg for allotment of tokens will accepted between 09:00 am to 01:00pm only. Veterans are requested to vis the CSD only on allotment of Token No. In case a person does not get a reply you are requested to resend the msg for token next day. Msg for token of alloted age gp only will be accepted one day prior.

4. Days have been earmarked as per *age gp* as under:-

  (a) 18 to 20 May -         
   70 yrs above.

   (b) 21 to 23 May -  60yrs
   to 69yrs.

   (c) 24, 26 & 28 May - 50
   yrs to 59 yrs.
   (d) 29 & 30 May - Below
    50 yrs

5. *Timings of CSD for Liquor Sale* -  08:30 am to 02:30 pm

6. Only one month auth quota will be sold to persons who are dependent on UK Sub Area Canteen for Liquor.  Brands as made avbl from CSD  Depot will be sold. Wine is not avbl.

7. *Sale of Grocery Stores* will continue as informed earlier by taking Token No through whatsapp on Mob No +91 94589 04338.

8. All visitors to CSD will wear masks and follow Social Distancing measures.

Your coop will help us to serve you better.

Uttarakhand Sub Area CSD


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